July 2023
Michel Strawczynski
Email: michel.strawczynski@mail.huji.ac.il
Born in Uruguay in 1961; Married + 3; Immigrated to Israel in 1985.
1994 – Post-Doc as a Visiting Scholar (fall semester), Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (M.I.T.).
1993 – Ph. D. in Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1988 – M.A. in Economics (Cum Laude), Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1985 – B.A. in Economics and B.A. in Accountancy, University of Uruguay.
Academic Employment
2012+ : Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor Member (joint appointment of the Economics Department and The School of Public Policy) – Introduction to Macroeconomics (1st year of BA at Economics, Course Coordinator), Macroeconomics (2nd year of BA at Economics, Course Coordinator); Public Economics (MA at the School of Public Policy); The Budget Process (MA at the School of Public Policy); Issues in Fiscal Policy (3rd year of BA at Economics); The Israeli Economy ("Avnei Pina" Program); Issues in Taxation Policy (MA and Ph.D.); Economic Policy Issues in Israel (MA at the School of Public Policy); Policy Leading (MA at the School of Public Policy); Public Economics (3rd year of BA at Economics).
2013-2017 : Tel Aviv University: Lecturer (Level A) – Issues in Public Economics (M.A. and PH.D).
2016-2017 : Ben Gurion University: Lecturer - Issues in Public Economics and Fiscal Policy (M.A. and PH.D).
2012-2017 : The Interdisciplinary Center Hertzlia – Public Economics (3rd year of BA) and Macroeconomic Policy (3rd year of BA).
2000-2010 : Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Lecturer (Level A) – Issues in Public Economics (M.A. and PH.D) and Public Economics (3rd year of B.A.).
1997-2000 : Tel Aviv University: Lecturer – Topics in Fiscal Policy (M.A. and PH.D.) and Public Economics (3rd year of B.A.).
1988-1997 : Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Lecturer – Introduction to Economics (parts I and II, 1st Year of B.A.), Macroeconomics (parts I. And II, 2hd Year of B.A.), Issues in Fiscal Policy (3rd year of B.A.), Public Economics (3rd year of B.A.)
Editorial and Refereeing Work
2003-present – Co- Editor of the Israel Economic Review (in English).
2002-2012 – Editor of the Bank of Israel Economic Review (in Hebrew).
Referee for the American Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Development Economics, Public Finance, Economics Letters, Economics of Governance, Review of Economics and Business, Economic Analysis and Policy and Economics Quarterly (in Hebrew).
Ph.D. Tutor: Ofir Pinto, Eytan Regev, Itamar Yakir (completed); Oren Tirosh (started in 2022).
Member of Ph. D. Committees at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Mordechai Schwarz, Nir Yaakobi, Yaakob Mushmush).
Master Thesis Advisor : Completed - Amit Globobski, Noam Yaron, Yotam Cohen, Noa Srebnik, Ori Altalat, Itamar Milrad, Omer Feitelson, Tomer Avraham, Adam Mehl, Yiftach Berman, Rotem Orowitz, Carmel Weber, Yotam Peterfreund, Aviad Schwartz. In process - Tamir Marco, Avigail Peleg.
Areas of Research
Public Economics, Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics, the Israeli Economy.
Selected Publications
- Tirosh, O. and M. Strawczynski (2022), "Government welfare policy under a skilled-biased technological change", Public Finance Review, 50(5), 515-557.
- Regev, E. and M. Strawczynski (2021), "The optimal long-run EITC", International Journal of Economic Theory, 17(3), 284-308.
- Strawczynski M. (2021), "Taxation Policy in Israel", Falk's Book on "The Israeli Economy in the last twenty years", edited by Avraham Ben-Bassat, Reuven Grounau and Assaf Zusman.
-Dahan M. and Strawczynski (2020), "Budget Institutions and Government Effectiveness", Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 217-246.
- Blumkin, Tomer,Yoram Margalioth and Michel Strawczynski (2020), "The Effects of Permanent Income Tax Cuts on Emigration from Israel", CESifo Economic Studies, 2020, 1–32
- Regev, E. and M. Strawczynski (2020) "The Optimal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Schedule: A Trapezoid or a Triangle", The Bell Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 20 (3), 1-16.
- Gomeh, C. and M. Strawczynski (2020), "Simulating corporate tax rate at Laffer curve's peak using microdata", Journal of Economics and Business, 112, 1-15.
- Strawczynski, M. (2020), "Optimal EITC in the Presence of Cultural Barriers for Labor Market Participation", Journal of Labor Research, 41, 233–259.
- Kochav, Y., Spivak, A. and M. Strawczynski (2017), " It’s Human Capital Again: The Centrality of Higher Education in Explaining GDP per Employee", The Open Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No1.
- Srebrnik N. and M. Strawczynski (2016), "Cyclicality of taxes and External Debt", Applied Economics, Vo. 48, 4622-4634
- Strawczynski and Myronichev, N. (2015), "The persuasive role of information: the case of EITC reminding letters by mail", Public Policy and Administration, 30 (2), 115-144.
- Strawczynski, Michel (2014), "The optimal inheritance tax in the presence of investment in education", International Tax and Public Finance, 21: 768-795.
- Dahan M., and Strawczynski M. (2013), "Fiscal rules and the composition of public expenditures in OECD countries", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management , 32 (3), 484-504.
- Dahan M., and Strawczynski M. (2012), "The optimal asymptotic income tax rate", Journal of Public Economic Theory 14 (5), 737-755.
- Strawczynski M., and Y. Zeira (2011), "Procyclicality of fiscal policy in emerging countries: the cycle is the trend", Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance, Edited by J. Gali and L.F. Cespedes, Central Bank od Chile.
- Hercowitz Z., and Strawczynski M. (2004), "Cyclical Ratcheting in government spending: Evidence from the OECD", Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(1), pp. 353-361.
- Dahan M., and Strawczynski M. (2000), "Optimal taxation: an example with a U-shaped pattern of optimal marginal tax rates: Comment". American Economic Review 90, pp. 681-686.
- Strawczynski M.(1999), "Income uncertainty and the demand for annuities", Economics Letters 63, pp.91-96.
- Strawczynski M. (1998), "Social insurance and the optimal piecewise linear income tax", Journal of Public Economics 69, pp.371-388.
- Strawczynski M.(1995), "Income uncertainty an Ricardian equivalence", American Economic Review 85 (4), pp. 964-967.
- Strawczynski M.(1994), "Government intervention as a bequest substitute", Journal of Public Economics 53, pp. 477-495.
- Strawczynski M. (1993), "Income uncertainty, Bequests and annuities", Economics Letters 42, pp. 155-158.
- Strawczynski M. (1990), "Optimal deviations from marginal pricing in the oil products' market", Energy Economics, Vol12 no3 pp. 232-236.
Other Publications
- Pinto, O., M. Strawczynski and A. Rimmerman (2020), "Exploring the right to work among persons with disabilities: The role of labor-oriented values", Work, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 193-202.
- Strawczynski, M. (2018), "a Review of Joseph Zeira's book The Israeli Economy", Israel Economic Review, 15 (1).
- Brender, A. and Strawczynski M. (2015), "Government support for young families in Israel", Israel Economic Review, 12 (1), 1-49.
- Strawczynski, M. (2015), "Optimal Design of New Generation Fiscal Rules: Coping with the Business Cycle and Discretionary Tax Reductions, Business and Economics, Vol 6 (3), 1-10.
- Strawczynski M. (2014), "Cyclicality of Statutory tax rates", Israel Economic Review, 11 (1), 67-96.
- Strawczynski M., and Y. Zeira (2009), " Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy: Permanent and Transitory Shocks, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7271
- Strawczynski M., and Y. Zeira (2007), "Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in Israel" Israel Economic Review. Vol.5 No.1 pp. 47-66.
- Brender, A. and Strawczynski M. (2006), "Earned Income Tax Credit in Israel: designing the system to reflect the characteristics of labor supply and poverty", Israel Economic Review, Vol. 4 No 1, 27-58.
- Lavi, Y. and Strawczynski M. (2005), "The impact of fiscal policy on private consumption in Israel", Israel Economic Review, Vol.3 No.1, pp. 53-86.
- Hercowitz Z., and Strawczynski M. (2005), "Government spending adjustment: the OECD since the nineties", Public Expenditure, edited by Banca D'Italia, pp. 809-826.
- Hercowitz Z., and Strawczynski M. (2004), "Fiscal Policy dynamics with a public-Debt Guideline", Israel Economic Review, Vol.2 No.1, pp 91-106.
- Strawczynski M., and Y. Zeira (2003), "What determines education expenditure in Israel?" Israel Economic Review. Vol.1 No.1 pp. 11-34.
- Lavi Y. and Strawczynski M. (2002), "Policy Variables and Growth: Evidence from Israel", Applied Economics Letters, 9 (2), pp. 81-86.
- Strawczynski M., Y. Zeira (1999), "Reducing the relative size of government in the Israeli economy after 1985", in The Israeli economy- 1985-1988, Avi Ben-Bassat Ed., M.I.T. Press.
- Dahan M., and Strawczynski M. (1996), "Public sector Budget and economic growth in Israel", Journal of Economic Development, 21 no1, pp119-148.
- Strawczynski M. And Dahan M. (1996), "Government finance and endogenous growth", Applied Economics Letters 3, pp. 789-791.
- Maoz I., Strawczynski M. (1992), "Significance of insurance aspect in the demand price of coal", Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy 2 (new series), pp25-38.
In Hebrew
- Yshuron, G., Keidar Y. and M. Strawczynski (2018), "Measuring the Quality of Life and Sustainability", Van Leer Institute, Policy Paper No. 24.
- Achdut, L., A. Spivak and M. Strawczynski (2018), "Government Budget Analysis", Van Leer Institute, Policy Paper No. 23.
- Pinto O. and M. Strawczynski (2017), "The effect of Laron's law on Disabled Individuals participation at the labor market", Social Security Journal, 102, 1-39.
- Strawczynski, M. (2015), "When do governments raise taxes?", in Essays in Honor of Arye Lapidot, Editor David Gliksberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- Flug K. and M. Strawczynski M. (2007), "Persistent growth and macroeconomic policy in Israel", Bank of Israel Economic Review 80, 73-103.
- Lavi Y., and M. Strawczynski M. (2004), "The impact of Fiscal Variables on private consumption in Israel, 1961-2000", Economics Quarterly.
- Flug K. and M. Strawczynski M. (2003), "Is growth around the corner?", Economics Quarterly, Vol. 3, 446-484.
- Lavi Y., Strawczynski M. (1998), "The impact of policy and immigration in growth, production factors and productivity: Israel 1960-1995", Bank of Israel Economic Review 73.
- Dahan M., Strawczynski M. (1997), Fiscal policy and inflation in Israel", in Inflation and Disinflation in Israel. Leo Leiderman Ed. (1999), Jerusalem.
- Dahan M., Strawczynski M. (1996), "Public sector budget and economic growth in Israel", Bank of Israel economic Review 70, pp.27-47.
- Hercowitz Z., Strawczynski M. (1996), "Public debt policy in Israel", Bank of Israel Economic Review 70, pp.3-26.
- Monetary Policy in a period of Price Stability (in Hebrew), Amir Yaron and Michel Strawczynski Editors, Bank of Israel, 2022.
- Israel's Government Budget, Leah Achdut, Avia Spivak and Michel Strawczynski Editors, Van Leer Institute, 2014.
- The Economic Crisis: a look from Israeli and International Perspective, Leah Achdut, Arie Arnon, Avia Spivak and Michel Strawczynski Editors, Van Leer Institute, 2014.
- An Economic Program for dealing with the Crisis, The Bank of Israel, 2009.
- The Earned Income Tax Credit in Israel: first year of implementation, The Bank of Israel, 2008.
- Introducing Diesel Cars in Israel, Iland Maoz and Michel Strawczynski Editors, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, 1994.
In Progress
- EITC: Individual versus Family-Based, joint with Adi Brender.
- Cyclicality of tax expenditures (2022)
- Optimal Income tax in a dual economy
- Implementing the Earned Income Tax Credit: shall governments design an employee or an employer-based system?
- Optimal linear EITC
- Searching for an optimal fiscal rule: the case of Israel
Economics Seminars
University of Columbia, Cornell University, NBER, Boston University, M.I.T., University of Maryland, University of Michigan, U.C.L.A., Queens University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Dept. of Economics and School of Public Policy), Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, O.R.T. University in Uruguay, Richmond Fed, Central Bank of Israel, Central Bank of Spain, Central Bank of Italy, Central Bank of Portugal, Central Bank of Chile, Central Bank of Uruguay, Central Bank of Brazil , OECD Economics Seminar, IMF Fiscal Seminar, World Bank Economics Dept., Catholic University of Chile, Israel Economic Association, Several IIPF Conferences, Inter-American Development Bank.
2023 - Hommage Prize for contribution to society - Macro Forum, Bar Ilan University
1996 - Gaaton Prize: "The public sector budget and economic growth in
Israel" (with Momi Dahan).
1993 - Pulver Scholarship for my PH.D. thesis.
1991 - Research Students Office, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
"short trips scholarship"
1990 - Brookdale Institute's scholarship (PH.D. Thesis).
1988 - Golda Meir award, Economics.
1986-87 - Levtsion scholarship for foreign students.
Professional Experience
2017-2022 – Director of the Research Department, Bank of Israel; after 2019 – member of the Monetary Policy Committee.
2012-2017 – Academic Director of the Government Cadets Program ("Tojnit Hatzoarim Lesherut Hamedina"), School of Public Policy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2012 - 2017 – Director of the Economics and Society Program, Van Leer Institute;
2011(1.6 – 30.9) – Acting Director of the Research Dept., Bank of Israel.
2008 – 2012 – Director of the Macroeconomics and Policy Division, Research
Department, Bank of Israel.
2004-2008 – Deputy Director of the Research Department, Bank of Israel.
2000-2004 – Assistant Director of the Research Department, Bank of Israel.
1993-2000 – Senior and Chief Economist for the Bank of Israel, Research
Department. Head of the Real and Public Sectors.
1986-1989 – Economist for the Policy Division of the Ministry of Energy &
Infrastructure of Israel.
Participation in Public Committees
- Head of the Committee for Increasing Competition in the Credit Sector, (together with the General Manager of the Ministry of Finance, 2017+).
- Head of the Companies Survey Committee (appointed by the Central Bureau of Statistics, 2014).
- Head of Keisaria Conference Macroeconomics Group (with members of the Ministry of Finance, Bank of Israel, Industry Association, Trade Association, and private Banks analysts, 2013).
- Head of Monthly National Accounts Committee (appointed by the National Counsel of Statistics, 2012).
- Head of Official Research on EITC in Israel (2007+, composed by members of the Tax Authority, Ministry of Finance, PMO, The National Insurance Institute, the Bank of Israel and Brookdale Institute).
- Head of Israel Economic Group in the Joining Process to OECD (2007-2012).
- Committee for fighting poverty in Israel (2005).
- EITC in Israel (2005).
- Head of the Committee for estimation of the economic effects of the Intifada (2002).
- National Budget Report (Various years).
- The inclusion of Start-ups in the National Accounts (1997).
- The Committee for Taxation Reform in Israel: Indirect Taxation (1994).
- Guarantee Loans in the Government Budget (1993).
- The introduction of Diesel Cars in Israel, The Ministry of Energy (1987).
Spanish, Hebrew, English.